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  Qty Part Number Manufacturer   Description Pkg 25% off
List Price
RA100S25X4 Raccoon
100 Shot Compound Cake Great Reckoning 1/4 $78.86 $105.14
RA143046 Raccoon
100 Shots Color Tails to Thunder 4/1 $101.09 $134.79
RA143047 Raccoon
100 Shots Red/White/Blue Tails to Thunder (Instant ) 4/1 $101.09 $134.79
RA142038 Raccoon
12 Shot Green Butterfly: Green Tiger Tail w/ Brocade Crown to Purple 5/1 $74.36 $99.14
RA142007 Raccoon
13 Shot Blue Dahlia with White Strobe Mine 5/1 $71.09 $94.78
RA142056 Raccoon
13 Shot Blue Mine Split Blue Pistil to Color Falling Leaves 5/1 $75.41 $100.54
RA142047 Raccoon
13 Shot Blue Mine Split Brocade Waterfall 5/1 $74.36 $99.14
RA142011 Raccoon
13 Shot Brocade Crown Tail with Red Strobe Mine 5/1 $61.54 $82.05
RA142006 Raccoon
13 Shot Brocade Crown Tail with Red Strobe Mine 5/1 $61.54 $82.05
DMPFX13FR-13-SW Dominator
13 Shot Fan Sunglow Strobe w/Cyan Mine 8/1 $130.58 $174.10
RA142013 Raccoon
13 Shot Fan Titanium Crackling Tail with Chrysanthemum Mine 5/1 $72.12 $96.16
RA142020 Raccoon
13 Shot Green Glittering Willow with Purple Mine 5/1 $76.80 $102.40
RA142018 Raccoon
13 Shot Green Strobe and Violet Waterfall with Silver Spinner 5/1 $76.80 $102.40
RA142008 Raccoon
13 Shot Purple Dahlia with White Strobe Mine 5/1 $71.09 $94.78
RA142010 Raccoon
13 Shot Red Light Bead with Brocade Crown Mine 5/1 $65.69 $87.59
RA142009 Raccoon
13 Shot Red Light Star with White Strobe Mine 5/1 $61.54 $82.05
RA142004 Raccoon
13 Shot Red Strobe Tail with Green Strobe Mine 5/1 $61.54 $82.05
RA142003 Raccoon
13 Shot Red Tiger Tail with White Strobe Mine 5/1 $68.21 $90.94
RA142005 Raccoon
13 Shot Red Tip and White Strobe Tail with White Strobe Mine 5/1 $61.54 $82.05
RA142002 Raccoon
13 Shot Red, White and Blue 5/1 $71.09 $94.78
RA142001 Raccoon
13 Shot Time Rain Tail with Green Strobe Mine 5/1 $61.54 $82.05
RA142012 Raccoon
13 Shot Time Rain Tail with Time Rain Mine 5/1 $61.54 $82.05
RA142014 Raccoon
13 Shot White Strobe Waterfall and Red Dahlia 5/1 $59.46 $79.28
DMPFX23E157M Dominator
138 Shots - American Pride 1/3 $79.13 $105.50
RA140S70X2 Raccoon
140 Shot Compound Cake Emberfall 1/2 $81.40 $108.53
RA156S7284 Raccoon
156 Shot Tropical Paradise 1/2 $102.83 $137.11
RA164S6240 Raccoon
164 Shot Compound Cake Destroyers 1/3 $93.68 $124.90
RA180S45X4 Raccoon
180 Shot Compound Cake Hyper Beast 1/4 $165.96 $221.28
RA180S60AX3 Raccoon
180 Shot Compound Cake The Golden Age 1/3 $153.62 $204.82
DMPFX19FR-B-C Dominator
19 Shot Fan Blue Mine 6/1 $136.37 $181.82
DMPFX19FR-G-C Dominator
19 Shot Fan Green Mine 6/1 $135.99 $181.32
DMPFX19FR-P-C Dominator
19 Shot Fan Purple Mine 6/1 $136.37 $181.82
RA142026 Raccoon
19 Shot Gold Spinning Tail with Blue and Red Strobe 5/1 $130.91 $174.55
RA142029 Raccoon
19 Shot Gold Spinning to Thunder 5/1 $117.75 $157.00
DMPFX19FR-RAI-H-C Dominator
19 Shot Zipper Rainbow Mine 6/1 $170.51 $227.34
DMPFX23E007 Dominator
200 Shots - Staying Power 1/4 $99.93 $133.24
RA143034 Raccoon
24 Shot Brocade Crown to Red 4/1 $98.24 $130.98
RA143035 Raccoon
24 Shot Green Strobing Mine, Gold Glitters with Blue Comet 4/1 $98.24 $130.98
DMPFX30-B Dominator
25 Shot Blue Peony Finale Box 4/1 $84.44 $112.58
DMPFX548 Dominator
25 Shot Fan Crackle Mines to Comets To Shell 4/1 $129.56 $172.74
DMPFX23E289 Dominator
25 Shot Fanned Strobe Willow Comets To Strobe 4/1 $86.22 $114.96
DMPFX30-R Dominator
25 Shot Red Peony Finale Box 4/1 $119.79 $159.72
RA143045 Raccoon
25 Shot Red/White/Blue Tails to Thunder 12/1 $81.96 $109.28
DMPFX30-W Dominator
25 Shot White Peony Finale Box 4/1 $112.28 $149.71
DMPFX30-Y Dominator
25 Shot Yellow Peony Finale Box 4/1 $116.79 $155.72
DMPFX548C Dominator
25 Shots Fan - Instant Crackle 4/1 $121.64 $162.18
DMPFX23MC-1 Dominator
259 Shots - Mod Mayhem 1/4 $138.39 $184.52
RA143039 Raccoon
26 Shot Three Tier Mine (Green, Gold, Blue) (Requires two pieces to complete the effect) 4/1 $97.08 $129.44
RA143004 Raccoon
27 Shot Blue Star Mine and Neon Glittering Tail to Red, Green Falling Leaves and Blue Stars 3/1 $93.51 $124.68
RA143005 Raccoon
27 Shot Blue Star Mine and Neon Glittering Tail to Red, Sea Blue Stars w/White Strobe 3/1 $93.92 $125.22
RA143040 Raccoon
36 Shot Butterfly of Red Strobe, Silver and Blue (Requires 2 pieces to complete the effect) 2/1 $69.99 $93.32
RA143041 Raccoon
36 Shot Multi-Color Mine with Color Meteor (Requires two pieces to complete the effect) 2/1 $64.62 $86.16
RA143036 Raccoon
36 Shot Straight Whistling to Thunder 4/1 $99.50 $132.67
RA143037 Raccoon
36 Shot Straight Whistling to Thunder (Instant) 4/1 $99.50 $132.67
DMPFX5920 Dominator
400 Shots - Compounded Chaos 1/4 $117.59 $156.78
RA143011 Raccoon
42 Shot Blood Red Mine to Blood Red Dahlia 2/1 $77.98 $103.97
RA143043 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Mine with White Strobe and Color Falling Leaves 2/1 $72.32 $96.43
RA143017 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Tail to Gold Nishiki Willow 2/1 $95.48 $127.30
RA143030 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Tail to Gold Ti Willow & Blue Star 2/1 $86.66 $115.54
RA143006 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Tail to Gold Ti Willow and Blue Star 2/1 $70.26 $93.68
RA143023 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Tail to Gold Ti Willow, Blue Stars, and Green Falling Leaves 2/1 $79.02 $105.36
RA143025 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Tail to Silver Nishiki Willow 2/1 $74.81 $99.75
RA143007 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Tail to Silver Nishiki Willow, Blue Star, and Red Strobe 2/1 $79.02 $105.36
RA143018 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Tail to Special Strobe Brocade Crown 2/1 $86.61 $115.48
RA143038 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Tail to Spider and Red Strobe 2/1 $59.85 $79.80
RA143024 Raccoon
42 Shot Blue Tail to White Strobe, Blue Stars, and Red Falling Leaves 2/1 $70.26 $93.68
RA143044 Raccoon
42 Shot Brocade Crown Mine to Brocade Crown Chrysanthemum 2/1 $72.32 $96.43
RA143026 Raccoon
42 Shot Brocade Crown Tail to Red, Blue and Orange and White Strobe 2/1 $79.45 $105.93
RA143019 Raccoon
42 Shot Fanned Blue Tail to Silver Nishiki Willow, Blue Star and Red Strobe 2/1 $86.61 $115.48
RA143013 Raccoon
42 Shot Grass Green Mine to Grass Green Dahlia 2/1 $77.98 $103.97
RA143022 Raccoon
42 Shot Neon Glittering Tail to White Strobe and Red Falling Leaves 2/1 $79.02 $105.36
RA143016 Raccoon
42 Shot Orange Tail to Orange Dahlia 2/1 $77.98 $103.97
RA143014 Raccoon
42 Shot Peach Mine to Peach Dahlia 2/1 $77.98 $103.97
RA143027 Raccoon
42 Shot Red Coconut Tail to Crackling Willow and Red Strobe 2/1 $79.02 $105.36
RA143008 Raccoon
42 Shot Red Coconut Tail to Silver Plum and Red Dahlia 2/1 $70.26 $93.68
RA143009 Raccoon
42 Shot Special White Brocade Crown to Silver Chrys. Mine and Silver Chrysanthemum 2/1 $71.78 $95.70
RA143012 Raccoon
42 Shot Teal Mine to Teal Dahlia 2/1 $77.98 $103.97
RA143010 Raccoon
42 Shot White Brocade to Red, Orange Dahlia 2/1 $79.45 $105.93
RA143032 Raccoon
49 Shot Red Tail to Brocade Crown (Instant) 2/1 $77.03 $102.71
RA143031 Raccoon
49 Shot Red Tail to Thunder (Instant) 2/1 $77.03 $102.71
RA143029 Raccoon
56 Shot Silver Whistling to Silver Chrysanthemum 2/1 $91.45 $121.93
DMPFX23E005 Dominator
72 Shots - Machine Gun 1/2 $50.19 $66.92
DMPFX23E002 Dominator
90 Shots - Max Variety 4/1 $139.98 $186.64
DMPFX5218 Dominator
Daytime Color Smoke w/Whistles (All Shot At Once) 4/1 $89.52 $119.36
DMPFX591 Dominator
2" Red Strobe - 10 Shots 4/1 $112.74 $150.32

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